In particular, Xiaomoer’s body has a powerful force belonging to Kyubi no Youko Shenhu. This force has been in her body since Xiaomoer inherited the temple of Kyubi no Youko. Xiaomoer’s strength is too low to bear the impact of this powerful force, so it has been in a sealed state.

However, after Xiaomoer was promoted to be a god, this force was finally unsealed, which not only transformed Xiaomoer’s body and blood into Kyubi no Youko Shenhu’s blood, but also […]

"Mm-hmm!" Feng Lu nodded and said, "Fairy aura is a passer-by in a hurry for this young man. Although he can’t control himself physically, he can stimulate wood blade. Moreover, this young man has an excellent timing and is brave and decisive. It is easy for me to give a little advice and break the array!"

"It’s really feasible. This little brother is born with a broken array, but I don’t know if others promise!" "Don’t worry, I’ll tell him when he passes the herd!" Baiye […]


他究竟怎么做到完抛我们过去时光然后把我和其他那些面目可憎对手放在一起对付呢? 瓜迪奥拉想不通 就在这个时候助理教练比拉诺瓦来敲门了“佩普战术会议时了” 瓜迪奥拉这才回过神来他拿起自己桌一个文件夹起身随比拉诺瓦去所榻酒店会议室 …… 常胜很早就结束了战术会议 或者说他压根儿就没多长时 该交代早就砸平时训练中交代过数次了 大家在一起看了一遍鲁迪·冈萨雷斯精心剪辑过巴塞罗那比赛录像重点了解他们球员特点然后就解散了 巴塞罗那战术和拉齐奥战术一脉相承甚基一样 所不可能研究对方战术 甚巴塞罗那战术还要比拉齐奥现在踢更落后更旧 拉齐奥现在踢是升级ikiaka而巴塞罗那如果一定要回归统ikiaka那踢肯定是前拉齐奥踢过现在淘汰了战术……他们所强不是强在战术而是强在那些球员身梅西是当今足坛第一人他越发面了除了盘带突破外他还能射门和球 Such players are very dangerous. If he is brave, maybe he can kill Lazio by himself. So […]